Epigenetic Assessment from Cell Wellbeing

Technical Information on Epigenetic Mapping

A branch of genetics known as epigenetics studies the way in which genes are activated and deactivated during our life through cellular signaling. DNA was once considered a closed and stable system of static information storage, connected to our own genetic code (known as genotype). However, it has been discovered that a second dynamic genetic code influences the static codes based on DNA. This is known as Epi-Genetics (Epi meaning above genetics). Epigenetic information reflects the interactions of the genome with its environment or what is called phenotype.

Epigenetic “mapping” is a digital scanning process involving the measurement of frequencies emitted from four hair follicles. This process captures over 800 underlying indicators which can provide a clue to understanding the body’s biological stressors. The technology is based on a preventive perspective rather than a curative expression. For instance, various demands for nutrients or depletion of nutrients act as indicators for gut stress, cardiovascular stress or immune deficiency long before there is an expression of a symptom.

This digital process, unlike with genetic testing, does not create reproducible indicators, as by definition, it reflects the changing epigenetic environment at the quantum biological level. While the tool qualifies as a general wellness product under the US FDA Center for Devices, it is not an FDA approved device, it is not diagnostic in nature.

Cell Wellbeing's S-Drive Scanner

  • A breakthrough wellness technology that provides you with a personal report based on the influence of epigenetics. The combined investment is in excess of $100 million to bring this to market.
  • It is not a Medical Device and does not diagnose, treat or cure any illness or condition.
  • The S-Drive system was developed in Germany, one of the leading countries in resonance technologies and cutting-edge energy science and technology.
  • The S-Drive works by converting natural wave frequencies (signatures) from hair samples to a digital file which is sent to our informational center in Hamburg, Germany. Here, our super-computer decodes, encodes and digitalizes the signature wave emanating from its resonance with that of the hair follicle and then reads it. It synthesizes over 800 individual data points. The process is relevant to the epigenetic data captured. The relevancy data is used to create the charts and tables of the completed Optimize reports.
  • The device has been safety assessed and certified to very high electrical standards (CE, FCC and ETL), equal to those used for laboratory equipment and does not emit any frequencies.
  • The S-Drive is a quantum system which interacts with sinusoidal and scalar waves (vibrational energy) information through entanglement.
  • It captures the signature wave information from the hair follicle.
  • The signature wave is a unique snapshot of the person’s quantum informational and epigenetic field in that instant (information from vibrational energy).
  • The file information is decoded, encoded and converted to a digital format and sent to Germany for epigenetic mapping.
  • Mapping is done with algorithms in a digital program by means of resonance which decodes the signature wave found in the hair follicle.
  • The information is not meant to be medical or used for diagnostic purposes.
  • The S-Drive does not emit any frequencies and is safety assessed for CE, ETL and FCC compliance as at IT peripheral.
  • It is a ‘general wellness’ product and ideal tool for dietary and lifestyle choices.
  • Accuracy and reproducibility are typical testing parameters and techniques for human assessment based on Newtonian orthodox physics and which do not reflect the constant changes taking place in the epigenetic system.
  • Accuracy and reproducibility do not equal relevancy in a living quantum system.
  • Newtonian based laws cannot be applied to quantic interactions, Epigenetics does not treat humans as machines operating in a linear fashion.
  • Human development and behavior cannot be explained by the old mechanical model. This is why twins grow up with differing personalities and wellness issues.
  • No measurable constant or accuracy rating can be applied to many aspects of life, as life and the environment we live in are constantly changing and evolving.
  • Due to all the changes brought about by modern day living, it is wise to adopt a modern day approach whereby we view how relevant an influence is to a person.
A dictionary translation of relevancy: The condition of being relevant, or connected with the matter or individual at hand.
A dictionary translation of accuracy (old Newtonian, physical measurement): The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct value or a standard. These base standards can also be flawed for certain individuals.
  • Quantum biology does not follow linear behavior or patterns or a single line of information.
  • The homeodynamic nature means they are constantly adapting to the changing environment which is reflected in the Epigenetic nature of wellbeing.
  • Diet, lifestyle, thoughts, belief, stress, physical environment and more all affect the Epigenetic quantum field at every second of every minute, hour and day.
  • This Epigenetic influence goes from the informational vibrational field of subatomic particles to the biochemical, biophysical and physiological level in the organism.
  • At an Epigenetic quantum level, there is low reproducibility of relevancy factors in the short-term.
  • Patterns of highly relevant Epigenetic factors emerge over time (scans 2,3,4 etc.).
  • Epigenetic tendencies will be revealed and short term influences indicated.
  • Quantum effects influence physiology more efficiently than chemical signalling.
  • Many small changes at a Epigenetic quantic level are more effective and efficient than one major influence at physiological, morphological and even biochemical level.