Optimize Immunity, Growth and Brain Development in Children

Identify common environmental influences leading to a less-than-optimum output of children's genes, enzymes and metabolic function

The Baby and Child Report from Cell Wellbeing provides a tool for practitioners who are licensed or certified to provide in-depth analysis and feedback to their clients on complex issues of nutritional or physical imbalances. This assessment, which is utilized for children approximately 12 months old to pre-puberty, is often utilized when children are experiencing physical, cognitive or social development issues.

This report on a child’s epigenetic profile can complement other assessment tools providers utilize. Because there are a variety of types of providers who address system imbalances in children, providers who utilize this report may also be also testing for things such as environmental or food allergies, general lab tests to identify gut issues or testing for metal or EMF toxicity. There is a growing community of providers who are addressing the needs of cognitively challenged children; this group of providers is also testing for learning disorders or may work with general psychiatric profiling to determine issues like ADHD, anxiety or depression.

This assessment provides an individualized analysis of 18 support systems including the client’s immune, gut and cardiovascular support systems. It also has distinct optimization charts around the child’s brain and overall growth development. In addition, this report offers an assessment on key nutritional elements including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and amino acids. The report can help provide a pathway forward by prioritizing which system challenges or imbalances could be addressed first, which foods should be avoided and consumed and/or which nutritional deficiencies or environmental exposures should be addressed as a priority.

90-Day Optimize Baby & Child Report Includes

  • 12 Key Optimization Indicators
  • System Support Indicators
  • Cardio Support Indicators
  • Resistance Indicators
  • Environment Indicators
  • Food & Additive Restrictions
  • Food to Eat